Why Do You Have Bad Breath?
It's frustrating to know that your breath smells less than pleasant, especially if you've been careful about brushing your teeth each day. You might think that you have to constantly chew gum or breath mints to help your breath, but luckily that's untrue. There are many causes of halitosis (bad breath) that can be addressed, such as those below.
Most people don't drink as much clean water as they should be. If you are one of those who isn't getting enough of the clear liquid, that could be causing awful breath. Saliva is mostly water, of course, and one of its purposes is to wash down some bacteria so it doesn't settle on the tongue or teeth. If you're not making enough saliva because of partial dehydration or lack of water, the dryness of your mouth enables bacteria to grow and stink.
Side effects accompany most medications, and "dry mouth" is a common one. As mentioned, that could sour breath. Read through possible side effects for each of the prescribed drugs you are on; realizing that bad breath isn't due to anything you're doing could be a relief and you can ask the doctor about making changes.
Gum and Cavity Problems
Bacteria can ultimately cause gum problems or cavities, both of which can stink. Asking your dentist about outstanding dental issues can not only resolve those issues but improve your breath too.
Corroded Fillings
If you've got metal fillings or caps, over time they can start to corrode or break down. In fact, you may have noticed a slight metallic aftertaste here and there. Deteriorating metal can cause unpleasant smells to emanate from your mouth. Corroded fillings should be replaced so that your breath smells better.
If you've considered other possibilities and are still at a loss for what could be the culprit, start asking yourself whether you've had an indigestion issues. Gastrointestinal reflux or GERD could be causing stomach gases to rise up into your throat, which would result in some odorous breathing on your part. Asking your physician about any other symptoms of gastrointestinal problems may lead to tests; if you do have GERD or other issues, taking medication may make your breath better.
Once you have a better grasp of what could be the cause of your yucky-smelling breath, you may be able to help your mouth smell better. Discussing your breath with your family dentist is a smart way to examine all possibilities and get a true solution.