
3 Tasty Teeth-Whitening Recipes The Kids Are Sure To Love!

It can be tough to get your kids interested in good dental hygiene, but with the help of a few homemade recipes, you can make the process a little more interesting. By using strawberries as a base, you can create your own homemade teeth-whitening recipes that work to remove surface stains as well as scrub plaque away. Try one or more of the following fun recipes with the kids: Berry Lemon Toothpaste Read More 

Dentistry For Children In Remote Areas: How To Find Them And Get The Word Out

The children in the most need of oral health care are the ones who are located in remote and rural areas of the United States. Here, the children do not have the benefit of fluoridated drinking water, are exposed to environmental pollutants that effect their teeth for the worse, and do not have access to dental care. If you would like to provide dentistry for children in these areas, but are not sure how to get the word out or find children who need care, here are some helpful suggestions to get you started. Read More 

Choosing Between Veneers And Dental Bonding

Veneers and dental bonding are two common methods for repairing discoloration, misshapen or cracked teeth, and other cosmetic flaws of the teeth. Which of these methods is best to meet your dental needs will depend on a few factors. Here is a comparison of veneers and dental bonding to help you make an informed decision. Appearance While veneers and dental bonding can be used to repair similar problems with the teeth, these restorative techniques are very different in both composition and application to the teeth. Read More 

When Cold Season Rolls In, Follow These Tips To Protect Your Teeth

When the weather gets colder, people everywhere start looking forward to the holidays and dreading the onset of cold season. Typically, colds are thought of being temporary maladies that leave you feeling pretty miserable but don't have long-term consequences. However, some of the practices people adhere to when they are sick can have lasting negative consequences on their dental health. Follow these tips to make sure cold season does not sabotage your teeth and gums. Read More 

What You Should Avoid To Protect Your Teeth During The Holidays

If you take full advantage of the holiday season or tend to go all out for parties and gatherings, there are some precautions you should remember when it comes to protecting your teeth. You might forget warnings from your dentist when there are plenty of treats around or stress levels are up. Here are four things to avoid when it comes to your teeth, especially during the holiday season. 1. Loading Up on Candies Read More