If your dentist has told you that your wisdom teeth should be removed, you may be skeptical. Many people feel they need their wisdom teeth for some purpose, or they wouldn't have them to begin with. Understanding wisdom teeth and concerns you may face regarding them can help you with your decision on whether or not to go through with the extraction.
What purpose do wisdom teeth serve?
Wisdom teeth don't serve a real purpose today.
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Did you know that your teeth will darken as you age, even if you avoid obvious tooth-staining activities like smoking or drinking coffee? It's true—there's no way to completely escape the yellowing or darkening of your teeth, and it can make you look older. However, you can make your teeth appear whiter, and there are a wide variety of ways to do so, ranging from quick and simple to time-consuming and expensive.
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You try to heed your dentist's advice, and you've stayed away from candy. But, perhaps that has been a harder task than you imagined. Do not fret; the following is an oral-friendly candy mint recipe that you can do at home and is easy to make.
Oral-Enhancing Secrets In Your Candy Mints
The following ingredients make these mints a powerful oral-enhancing treat:
Xylitol: A Different Type Of Sugar
Xylitol is a powdered sugar that will be used for this recipe.
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If you're wondering whether or not you should try a single tooth implant over another option, you're probably curious about what the process entails. Here the basics of single tooth dental implants.
What Does a Single Tooth Implant Do?
A single tooth dental implant is designed to work with the remaining structure inside your mouth to replace a lost tooth. If you have more than one missing tooth, but the gaps are in different locations in your mouth, you may need or want more than one single tooth implant.
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If you have had problems with your mouth that have led to the removal or loss of your teeth, if you are like most people, you will be looking for a cosmetic way to replace them. You can either have a set of dentures made, or you can have dental implants inserted. Here is a quick summary of how each method is done and some benefits there are in each. This may help you decide which method would be right for you.
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