Brushing your teeth regularly helps to keep plaque from forming on your teeth and it helps to keep cavities from developing. Traditional toothbrushes are plastic, and after tossing out an old toothbrush, the plastic stays in the landfill indefinitely. If you strive to help the planet by making environmentally friendly choices, keep your teeth clean with an eco-friendly toothbrush. Below you will learn about three trendy toothbrushes that will help you reduce your carbon footprint while cleaning your teeth.
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While most people want their children to have a beautiful smile, it is not uncommon for parents to cringe when they learn that their child will need braces. When it comes to correcting teeth alignment and bite issues braces are very effective, but they can also be quite expensive. Luckily, there are several ways to make braces more affordable so your child can get straight teeth without breaking your bank account.
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The central incisors are your front-most (most anterior) teeth of both your upper and lower jaw. These pivotal teeth are the first ones used during chewing as the incisors grab onto the food and pass it back to molars for grinding. Losing a central incisor to extraction can be devastating because of the cosmetic obviousness of the loss and the huge blow to your chewing ability.
Dental replacements can help restore your cosmetic confidence and your ability to chew food properly.
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It can be tough to get your kids interested in good dental hygiene, but with the help of a few homemade recipes, you can make the process a little more interesting. By using strawberries as a base, you can create your own homemade teeth-whitening recipes that work to remove surface stains as well as scrub plaque away. Try one or more of the following fun recipes with the kids:
Berry Lemon Toothpaste
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The children in the most need of oral health care are the ones who are located in remote and rural areas of the United States. Here, the children do not have the benefit of fluoridated drinking water, are exposed to environmental pollutants that effect their teeth for the worse, and do not have access to dental care. If you would like to provide dentistry for children in these areas, but are not sure how to get the word out or find children who need care, here are some helpful suggestions to get you started.
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