Oral Health is a Family Affair

Porcelain Veneers: Why Invest In Them?

Porcelain veneers are often considered a cosmetic dental treatment, even if they are at times necessary and prove to be beneficial for the patient in many ways. Porcelain veneers, like many dental procedures, are also a noticeable investment, costing $925 or more per single tooth. While this may sound like a steep investment, particularly if you are having your whole mouth treated, the investment can be worth it in many ways. Read More 

What You Can Expect When You Arrive Home After Implant Surgery

The idea of having a dental implant placed in your jaw can be a little scary, as this is a surgical procedure. However, you can rest assured that dental implant surgery is a relatively low-risk procedure and one that many dentists have performed thousands of times. The risk of any side effects is low, and the risk of very serious side effects is even lower. Still, it's nice to know what you should expect after you arrive home from your implant surgery and once the Novocaine starts wearing off. Read More 

Is Your Tooth Grinding Making Your Jawline Look Less Defined?

Tooth grinding is a bad habit to have, but it's often one that people don't have much control over. Unfortunately, tooth grinding regularly can damage your teeth and actually change the way that you look to others, beyond the appearance of your smile. If you've noticed that your jawline seems to be less defined lately despite a lack of change in your diet or weight, then it may be your regular tooth grinding that's to blame. Read More 

Are Root Canals As Painful As They Say?

Root canals are an unpopular dental procedure, but in reality, it's without fair cause. Root canals are a useful technique that can potentially save a tooth, preventing you from spending a lot more money and time down the road. But are they really as painful as people seem to think that they are? Here's what you need to know. The Scary Stuff It's not entirely clear why people say that root canals are painful. Read More 

Choosing Dental Implant Color? Why This Is Key Prior To Getting Implants

When you are considering getting dental implants, there are more than just a few things you should know. One of those things worth knowing is that you will need to select the color of your tooth implants prior to having the procedure. This may seem odd considering that teeth are white, right? On the contrary, teeth are only as white as your diet and hygiene habits or whitening kits make them. Ergo, your remaining natural teeth may not be white at all, but some varied shade of white to dark yellow. Read More